5th International Complex Trauma Conference - Post-Traumatic Growth: Balancing Innovation, Research and Intervention
Sat, 02 Sept
What does the Conference Package include? - Watch on Demand - Access to 25 Video Presentations (6 from the Live event on 2nd Sep + 19 more presentations recorded for our conference) - 9 months access - 12 hours CPD certificate

Time & Location
02 Sept 2023, 09:30 BST – 03 Sept 2023, 21:40 BST
About the Event
We are delighted to announce our virtual conference as part of Complex Trauma Therapists’ Network UK (CTTN), Complex Trauma Institute (CTI) in collaboration with the University of York (UK) and Family Trauma Institute (US) invite you, our colleagues to attend our 5th International Complex Trauma conference 'Post-Traumatic Growth: Balancing Innovation, Research and Intervention'.
The main drive and motivation behind this event is to continue to meet the increased demand for trauma focused interventions in the mental health sector + we continue supporting Ukrainian mental health professionals (who will be attending this conference for free).
As usual we are planning to incorporate presenters from diverse backgrounds. We have gathered international experts from a variety of backgrounds working with trauma survivors, to address multiple aspects of trauma within diverse contexts from USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Poland, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Iceland, Israel, Ukraine, and the UK.
After your payment you will receive an email with ticket – please use it as an acknowledgement and receipt of your purchase.
We will be sending the online access instructions nearer this event. Please check your spam box.
Last but not least, we are inviting our Ukrainian mental health professionals for FREE which means we are asking you to pay this reduced fee with the reassurance that your money will be spent to the best of our ability in supporting Ukrainian professionals. The fee will also contribute to the organising of this conference, continue running workshops, webinars, free group & individual supervision, etc.
We are still finalising our programme but please have a look some of our presenters below:
1. Dr Scott Sells (US) - PhD, MSW, LCSW, LMFT, creator of the Family Systems Trauma model - live presentation (also available as recording after 5th Sep):
Title: ‘Healing Child Suicidal Threats: Four Steps to Diagnose and Treat Its Root Causes’ (Live Presentation)
The fallout of the pandemic is accelerating suicide in children and adolescents. Yet, the treatment for acts or
threats of suicide often involves only the individual child with little to no active family involvement. This is a
tactical mistake because suicide is systemic. It is caused or exacerbated by family trauma, family secrets, parent-
child conflict, and/or isolation. Join Dr. Scott Sells to learn:
How suicide is fueled by the family and generational trauma through a family systems lens
The use of three FST (Family Systems Trauma) Techniques will be highlighted. (1) The FST Stress Chart, The
FST Circular Question, and FST Safety Questionnaire to bring up the topic of suicide and the fallout of grief if
suicide occurs. The FST Safety Questionnaire Handout will be provided.
Video case examples with a family whose son recently committed suicide along with the son’s best friend
will illustrate how each of the three FST techniques are used.
Intensive Q & A with Dr. Sells will follow this discussion.
Dr Sells has been treating children and adolescents with severe emotional and behavioral problems for over 20 years. The FST model, along with his widely known Parenting with Love and Limits® program, is an evidence-based treatment approach that is being used by family agencies in both the United States and Europe to help children and families find healing and hope.
Dr. Sells is the author of three best-selling books, Treating the Traumatized Child: A Step-by-Step Family Systems Approach (Springer, 2017), Parenting Your Out-of-Control Teenager: 7 Steps to Reestablish Authority and Reclaim Love (St. Martin’s Press, 2001), and Treating the Tough Adolescent: A Family Based, Step-by-Step Guide (Guilford, 1998).
Dr. Sells specialises in working with impossible or stuck cases whose families have not been successful with other counselors. Scott was a former Professor of Social Work at Savannah State University in Savannah, GA and Associate Professor at UNLV in Las Vegas, NV.
W: https://familytrauma.com/our-team/
2. Dr Julie Reshe (Ireland) - PhD, a Visiting Professor at University College Cork and Director of the Institute of Psychoanalysis of the Global Center for Advanced Studies.
Title: The Self Shattered by Trauma: Ukrainian Widows
Abstract: Ukrainian women who lost their loved ones in the war testify that they are not themselves anymore. Some claim that they 'died' with their beloved others. The loss of their loved ones deprived them of themselves. What they live is the prolonged 'death' and the loss of self. Trauma breaks the continuity of self and reveals its relational nature. The self is not autonomous. It is formed and sustained in relation to others.
3. Yogeswari Munisamy and the team (Singapore -Yogeswari d/o Munisamy and two supervisees will join me to share their experiences) - live presentation (also available as recording after 5th Sep)
Title: Post-traumatic growth in supervisees -HEALTH is bigger than trauma
The presentation will focus on post-traumatic growth experienced by supervisees who work with traumatized clients in trauma-focussed practice settings. The discussion will also focus on preliminary findings of her mixed-method PHD research on trauma-informed supervision and its impact on secondary traumatic stress, vicarious trauma and post- traumatic growth. Yoges will share how she engaged in reflexive meaning-making process and came to the liberating realization that Health is bigger than trauma. The presenter will share on how she developed this meaning-making based on trauma trainings she attended, practice
with clients, supervision and supervision of supervision practice and personal life experience.
The presenter will also talk about different trajectories experienced by practitioners. In some situations, the practitioner might have initial symptoms of secondary traumatic stress but later as space and meaning-making happens, experiences post traumatic growth. Joining Yoges will be two of her supervisees who will share on their processes of post-traumatic growth and how supervision can be a reflexive space to facilitate this and also the usefulness of Tedeschi &
Calhoun’s model 2009.
Yoges is an experienced clinician, supervisor and trainer in the areas of supervision, trauma and in working with children, youth and families. She has 20 over years of social work experience. She graduated from Washington University (USA) in 2003 with Masters in Social Work and is currently a full-time PHD candidate and research scholar at National University of Singapore. She is studying the impact trauma-informed supervision and its impact on secondary traumatic stress, vicarious trauma and post-traumatic growth. Yoges also provides individual and group supervision for practitioners working with traumatised clients. She also provides supervision of supervisory practice (SOSp) for supervisors in the community, hospital and child protection settings. Yoges is a Senior Principal Social Worker in Child Protective Services in Rehabilitation and Protection branch at Ministry of Social and Family Development. From 2014 to 2016, Yoges was a principal social worker at Comcare and Social Support Division for the Strengthening Families Together Pilot which adopts a whole of government approach and aims to enable vulnerable families with complex needs access resources by addressing system barriers. Her work in MSF, Ang Mo Kio Family Service Centre and Perth District Child protection in Western Australia has required her to be trained and skilled in trauma work with children, youth, adults and families. Yoges is also trained in critical incident stress and has facilitated several individual and group critical incident debriefs after traumatic incidents.
4. Eden Orfanos Shoro, MA, MBCT, ACS (Spain & UK) Integrative Art Psychotherapist, MA - EFAT & BAAT Trauma Informed Expressive Arts Therapist – IEATA Trauma Sensitive Yoga, RYT/TSY - - live presentation (also available as recording after 5th Sep):
Title: Art and Om : Creative and Embodied Post-Traumatic Growth - Experiential Workshop
Art and Om is an innovative intervention merging the methodologies of Embodied Art Psychotherapy, Trauma Informed Expressive Arts and Trauma Sensitive Yoga. This experiential and psycho-educational experience combines the benefits of integrative expressive art therapies (drama, movement and visual art) and Yogic practice. Experience imaginative expression and contained artistic creation, incorporating a gentle grounding process within a Yogic framework. Witness techniques of interiorization and projection, in order to delicately access the embodied trauma of pain, and a renewed ability to artistically ar8culate it. Gain insight and experience the synergy of these mutually beneficial modalities. An Art and Om interdisciplinary workshop offers innovative embodied and arts centred approaches that inspire imagination and empowerment through mind-body connection and affect regulation.
Eden Orfanos Shoro, MA, MBCT, ACS (Spain & UK) Integrative Art Psychotherapist, MA - EFAT & BAAT Trauma Informed Expressive Arts Therapist – IEATA Trauma Sensitive Yoga, RYT/TSY -
5. Karla Dolinsky (Canada) - live presentation (also available as recording after 5th Sep):
Title: Addressing Moral Injury
As therapists working the field of Complex Trauma, we are becoming increasingly aware of the concept of Moral Injury. Moral injury is a term used to describe an individual’s trauma response to extreme life experiences that violate or disrupt their moral values, expectations, standards or beliefs. The subtleties and complexities of Moral Injury are often overlooked and, unattended to, can be a barrier to post-traumatic growth and ongoing resilience. Karla will introduce the topic of Moral Injury and explore options of how we might work with our clients who are experiencing this specific traumatic response.
Counsellor and Psychotherapist in Private Practice & EMDR Therapist, Crime Victim Assistance Programme (CVAP) based in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Karla Dolinsky, M.C., RCC works in private practice. Karla is based in Canada and delivers training, psychotherapy, and clinical supervision in person and to clients in many countries, through online platforms. She is skilled to work with very complex cases in addition to helping individuals ponder the deeper meaning in their lives. Karla also works as a Trainer with the Complex Trauma Institute and works as a mental health contractor for Blake Emergency Services
6. Justine O’Malley (Australia)- Accredited Social Worker, Teacher, and Counsellor with over 30 years, co-founder of Western Australia’s leading child safety program provider, WA Child Safety Services and one of Australia’s pioneers of the Protective Behaviours program
- live presentation (also available as recording after 7th Sep):
Title: Protecting vulnerable children from harm and exploitation
The war in the Ukraine has had devastating effects on children and young people. Sprawling sexual abuse and exploitation of children is being seen by law enforcement and human rights groups. Children who are already facing the impacts of the war are being targeted at their most vulnerable moments. Now more than ever, children, parents, and those working with families need practical applications of child abuse prevention strategies. Join Justine O’Malley for an engaging session to learn how to empower children and families to recognise the signs of abuse, how to identify potential perpetrators, and how to educate children about their personal safety through the internationally-recognised program, Protective Behaviours.
Justine O’Malley is an Accredited Social Worker, Teacher, and Counsellor with over 30 years’ experience working in the education and statutory child protection sectors. Justine is co-founder of Western Australia’s leading child safety program provider, WA Child Safety Services and one of Australia’s pioneers of the Protective Behaviours program. She has taught abuse-prevention education to children, young people, parents, and professionals locally, interstate and internationally across two decades. Justine has been the editor of several child abuse prevention school curricula and early childhood programs. Justine lectures at an international college and is a sought-after speaker nationally and across the globe.
7. Mark Walsh is the author of Embodiment, Working with the Body in Training and Coaching, and Embodied Meditation (United Kingdom) – (also available as recording after 7th Sep)
Title: Sane Ukraine and my experience working with Trauma and Embodiment
Mark will give you a candid approach to his experience, practice and application training professionals in the field of trauma.
“Mr Embodiment” (Mark Walsh) is the author of Embodiment, Working with the Body in Training
and Coaching, and Embodied Meditation. He hosts The Embodiment Podcast (1 million+
downloads), and led The Embodiment Conference (1000 teachers, 500,000 delegates). Seeing a
theme yet? He founded the Embodied Facilitator Course, and has trained over 2000 embodiment coaches in over 40 other countries (some of which will even let him back in). He recently went out to Ukraine twice during the recent conflict and set up saneukraine.org a charity now run solely by Ukrainian professional to provide trauma and embodiment training to trainers, therapists and coaching. He gained an honours in psychology (despite been an alcoholic at the time), and has taught widely in the corporate. He has worked in war zones, and entertained over 50,000 children. He has headlined International Coach Federation events, taught at Moscow State University, lived with the circus in Ethiopia, taught celebrities and kissed a princess. Mark is an aikido black belt, and also has 25 years of experience of other martial arts, with yoga, bodywork, improv comedy, conscious dance and meditation.
8. Stefan Charidge (United Kingdom): "The Metaphor Man", Therapist, Counselling Supervisor, Trainer and Professional Speaker, BACP Accredited, MBACP and UKRCP Registered.
(also available as recording after 7th Sep)
Title: Working with Trauma Title: Working through trauma with the use of anger/aggression.
Recovery from trauma can be achieved by exploding anger issues. Unexplored anger, beliefs and self-judgements, are like a glue that keeps one stuck to/in the trauma. Within this presentation you will be offered insights of how to work with trauma and support clients in being able to express their anger (in a safe way without any true-life consequences).
Trauma can result in the development of a “Life Limiting Belief” system (an introject). Often fueled by guilt (referred to the guilt complex and trauma bond). Exploring a judgement and or belief can bring about significant change and this presentation offers the tools. No matter how big or small the trauma (which I refer to as sugar – If I gave you a teaspoon of sugar or a million tons: it’s still sugar), change can be achieved it a short space of time. Stefan is a therapist, supervisor, and trainer with over 23 years’ experience. Delivering trainings on various topics, within many environments including online. Here is a link to access his webinars https://cutt.ly/aGkcb0z (some are FOC).
He is also the author of "The Penny Model" http://www.thepennymodel.com/ A book written for young men in mind, explaining where depression comes from. It is not a clinical book but written for the public. http://www.thepennymodel.com/
9. Dr Jonathan Egan (Ireland), - prerecorded (available as recording after 7th Sep)
Title: "What therapists intuitively know, but often fail to engage with". How Childhood trauma can influence how adults present with somatic illness concerns- both their embodied and psychoform dissociation, and what therapists can be about it
Dr Jonathan Egan has been working clinically with people who experience chronic pain for 15 years. Before that, he was the director of a trauma service for adults who experienced abuse as a child. He observed how his clients with childhood trauma and neglect presented as 'older than their years' and that they had higher levels of physical, psychological and relational distress, illness, and dis-ease with their self-self relationship. Jonathan's research has focused on developing complex psychological models to try and help clinicians formulate how the overlay of childhood and complex trauma can affect current well-being. Today he will use a sample of 220 adults aged 18-76 to demonstrate how current adult attachment dynamics (which were learned in childhood) can maintain the symptoms of what the body remembers and how therapists can alter the way they approach and meet to heal these people.
Dr Jonathan Egan trained as both a chartered clinical & health psychologist. He was a founding director of counselling for adults who have experienced abuse within institutional care in Ireland, where he led a small team of 14 trauma therapists. He now works clinically with clients who have chronic pain and trauma. He has separately trained in understanding how attachment styles can affect the therapeutic relationship and a person’s vitality (McCluskey, York), as well as training as a dynamic experiential therapist working with affect (Osborn, Harvard). In his academic research he looks at the effect of trauma on both caregivers and clients physical and psychological wellbeing and how a secure attachment system can help us navigate trauma.
10. Dzmitry Karpuk (United Kingdom)- prerecorded (available as recording after 7th Sep)
Title: Working with Nightmares & Dreams Experienced by Clients with PTSD & CPTSD
Trainer, Supervisor, Consultant & Systemic Family Psychotherapist, M.Sc, UKCP & AFT Reg. Founder of Complex Trauma Therapists’ Network in the UK (CTTN). Dzmitry Karpuk is a Family and Systemic Psychotherapist. He is registered with the Association for Family Therapy and Systemic Practice (AFT) and the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP). He has specialised in trauma recovery psychotherapy for adults, children and families for around 30 years. He has considerable experience of working with the vulnerable high risk population (18 years in the UK). His particular interests include supporting professionals working with traumatised and vulnerable clients, and those with burnout and secondary trauma impact. Dzmitry has significant experience of delivering trauma-related training to various professionals, both nationally and internationally. He is also a trainer and team member of Blake Emergency Services, Suicide Bereavement UK and the Complex Trauma Institute. He regularly provides individual and group supervision to a wide range of clinicians and non-mental health professionals (e.g. national organisations like Family Action and Rape Crisis).
Celia Dawson, (CTTN), Trainer & Person-Centred Psychotherapist, Certifying Coordinator at the International Focusing Institute (USA). Celia is a Co-ordinator at the International Focusing Institute (USA), who originally trained as a person-centred psychotherapist in the UK. Celia has over 25 years counselling experience and is the Co-Founder of the Complex Trauma Therapist Network in the UK (CTTN). For many years she ran a successful counselling service in Bradford, and upon retirement, has continued with a small private practice to date, but her passion remains teaching Focusing-Oriented Therapy. Together with Dzmitry, Celia has run successful training workshops within the UK specifically for therapists working with complex trauma clients. Internationally, Celia has provided trauma informed webinars on behalf of the International Focusing Institute to their worldwide membership.
11. Dr David Muss (United Kingdom) - Prerecorded (also available as recording after 7th Sep)
Title: The Rewind Technique for rapidly and enduringly bringing involuntary recall under control and ending avoidance behaviour.
Rewind Technique,also known as “closure without disclosure” provides 85% closure rate for individuals and groups of any size in just two to three sessions.Dr. Muss will briefly discuss how it works, describe results and provide up to date results of recently completed RCT from Cardiff University. Dr. Muss’s interest in PTSD was triggered by his wife's near death tragedy. Since 1988, Dr. Muss has worked tirelessly to introduce this technique for the benefit of the millions traumatised, publishing the first self help book in 1991 for PTSD in the UK ”The Trauma Trap”. He worked for 30 plus years as Director of the PTSD UNIT at the BMI Hospital, Birmingham, UK during which he published “A new Technique for treating PTSD-British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1991. He retired in 2019. He continues as a trainer via workshops and webinars at the International Association for Rewind Trauma Therapy (www.iartt.com) which he founded. Those practitioners which are listed on the IARTT website have all agreed to treat veterans for free.
12. Wendy Bradley, Eden Orfanos Shoro, Nathalie Robelot-Timtchenko, Mary Jeppsen, PhD.,
LPC, LMFT, Anna Kegeles & Anastasia Titova (US & Ukraine) - prerecorded (available as
recording after 7th Sep)
Title: Compassion Care in Times of War: The use of clinical expressive therapies in the midst of ongoing conflict and trauma
This panel will discuss the work that First Aid of the Soul and our core clinical team has been
offering since the onset of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, exploring our challenges and
obstacles we face in our service and treatment, and how we have been implementing creative
interventions into our work. The panel will also share the impact that art therapy has had on our participants and those we serve, speaking to regulation, calming and grounding techniques and education. On February 24, 2022, Russia started a full-scale invasion in Ukraine causing an unprecedented act of violence the world hasn't witnessed since World War II. Thousands of people have been killed, lost their homes, were forced to flee their country and leave their lives behind. Currently, there are over eight million ‘officially registered’ Ukrainian refugees across Europe, and over five million internally displaced families across the entire country of Ukraine. First Aid of The Soul (FAS) (NGO), launched in March 2022, was created in response to this war with the mission of providing culturally-sensitive and trauma-informed psychosocial and emotional support to Ukrainians affected by the war, at no cost. A global community of clinical experts from the expressive and creative arts and fields were mobilized to deliver accessible trauma-informed mental health and psychosocial support services to Ukrainians through multifaceted, holistic, and creative approaches, including art therapy and expressive arts therapy. Collectively we lead clinically informed and compassionate support. The core therapeutic team are comprised of eight art therapists, expressive arts therapists, and embodied therapists, from around the globe, who focus on the immediate psychosocial needs of the people in Ukraine and those affected by the war. FAS is unique in that the emphasis of support offered is through creative modalities by clinicians in creative and expressive arts. We meet virtually several times a week in groups as small as three or as large as 150 through “clinical discussions and supervision,” “self-compassion groups,” “parent and caregiver groups,” and workshops. We incorporate art, music, movement and mindfulness, into each of the settings, which is at the core of our work, with our goals being to hold the space, process trauma and educate.
Wendy Bradley, MS, ATR-BC, CLAT, co-author, moderator. Wendy is a board-certified, licensed
art therapist with over 25 years of experience working directly with children and families in
pediatric and psychiatric hospitals, and in school-based systems. She has facilitated creative arts
therapy and psycho-educational groups for children, teens, and parents, and worked as a
manager of an early intervention city-wide program for young children where we studied
resiliency in early childhood.
Eden Orfanos Shoro, MBCT - HCPC, MA - EFAT, BAAT, co-author, panelist. Eden holds a masters's Degree in Art Psychotherapy and has specialist multidisciplinary training in Trauma-Informed Expressive Arts Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, Equine Lead Psychotherapy, Trauma Sensitive Yoga, and is soon to complete EMDR training.
Nathalie Robelot-Timtchenko, MA, ET, co-author, panelist. Nathalie founded First Aid of the Soul in February 2022 shortly after the full on invasion of Russia's war against Ukraine.
Mary Jeppsen, PhD., LPC, LMFT, co-author, panelist. Mary has decades of clinical experience,
working with a variety of populations. She is skillful at helping people gain emotional control of
their lives, and assisting them in enriching relationships. She is the co-founder and head clinician of Fresh Roots Counseling into a clinic where people can count on excellence of care. Anna Kegeles , ATR, MA, co author, panelist. Anna is a New York-Based Art Therapist and Educator. After almost a decade of a successful career as a designer, she decided to dedicate herself to Art Education and then, eventually, to Art Therapy. Anna realized that she wanted to help others understand themselves better, find ways to express their feelings thoroughly, and ultimately reach their full creative potential.
Anastasia Titova, LPCC, MA-ET, co-author, panelist. Anastasia is a California-based licensed
professional clinical counselor and psychotherapist with 14 years of experience working with
anxiety and depression reduction, stress management, and coping with trauma. She utilizes a
trauma-informed holistic approach and has received comprehensive training in evidence-based
practices, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness, Dialectical Behavioral
Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Motivational Interviewing, and Expressive Arts Therapy
13. Prof. Tom Stoneham & Dr. R A Davies (United Kingdom) - prerecorded (available as recording after 7th Sep)
Title: coming soon
Prof. Tom Stoneham, Department of Philosophy, University of York
Dr Robert A Davies is a Research Associate at the Department of Philosophy, University of York. Robert works on the "Dreams, Nightmares, and Complex Trauma" project and is interested in the role of memory in trauma-related conditions.
14. Rod Aungier - (United Kingdom) - prerecorded (available as recording after 7th Sep)
Title: Building relationships in the post traumatic Somatic world
This is an exploration into the possibilities that may exist within a relational and Somatic paradigm when presented with CPTSD. Using knowledge of movement and developmental shifts we will explore ways of building Somatic resilience into the therapeutic space.
Counsellor, Somatic Developmental Psychotherapist, BACP reg
15. Audur Gudmundsdottir (Iceland) - (also available as recording after 7th Sep)
Title: Trauma, supervision & self-care
To discuss the importance of supervision when working with trauma. Signs and symptoms of the impact it can have on the professional and how to develop resources to maintain self-care.
Auður Guðmundsdóttir, Systemic Psychotherapist, MSW, MSc, UKCP & AFT Reg, Iceland. Systemic Psychotherapist within National Adult Mental Health Service in Iceland. Assistant professor at the University of Iceland Previously a Systemic Psychotherapist working for NGO – Asylum seekers and refugees Previously a Children and Families Social Worker in Iceland and for Barnardo’s Scotland.
16. Hanna Kemp (United Kingdom) - prerecorded (available as recording after 7th Sep)
Title: Somatic Markers application in C-PTSD therapy
The workshop is focused on the Somatic Markers application in the therapy of C-PTSD. We will talk about how to help our clients to explore their somatic markers and how to use them in a therapeutic process for self-regulation at acute and chronic states.
Hanna Kemp - trauma focused complementary therapist, Ukraine/UK, teacher at Cosmo Thai Yoga (FHT)
17. Cormac Mc Quaid (Ireland) - prerecorded (available as recording after 7th Sep)
Title: Surviving the Trauma of a Suicide: Perspectives from Those Bereaved
Suicide is a serious social and mental health problem and one of the leading causes of death worldwide each year: globally, around 700,000 suicides are registered annually (NOSP 2020, NSRF 2021, WHO 2022). Consequently, thousands of people worldwide are bereaved by suicide every year; recent approximations suggest each suicide affects 24-30 people, and that 4–6 million people worldwide are impacted annually by suicide (McGlothlin 2006, Pompili et al. 2008, Cerel et al. 2018). Despite this, suicide bereavement remains a neglected issue in suicidology, bereavement and traumatology research. This results in a lack of information and guidance for psychotherapeutic and mental health practitioners about how to support people bereaved by a suicide.
Method: A qualitative descriptive approach was used to interview five adults, bereaved by suicide no less than 12 months, selected by means of purposive sampling from a suicide bereavement counselling service. Data were analysed using the framework of thematic analysis by Braun & Clarke (2006). Ethical approval for the study was granted by the university ethics committee. The study was supervised by Dr Jean Morrissey, assistant professor in mental health nursing, Trinity College, Dublin. Findings and Implications: The study findings provide a valuable insight into the lived experiences of the suicide bereaved. A death by suicide can result in the bereaved experiencing a grief that is traumatic and complicated; those bereaved by suicide experience a range of trauma symptoms, difficult emotions like survivor guilt, blame and shame, and mental health issues including post-traumatic stress and suicidality. Despite the enormity of loss encountered, the findings also indicated that some of the bereaved had changed positively in various ways from having survived the suicides of loved ones. The findings provide important material for broadening clinical understanding about the uniqueness of suicide bereavement as a trauma and for improving future directions in the delivery of mental health and psychotherapeutic supports for people bereaved by a suicide.
Cormac Mc Quaid, Accredited Counsellor & Psychotherapist, MSc., BSc. (Hons)., Dip., MIACP. Cormac Mc Quaid is an Irish-based accredited Counsellor & Psychotherapist, currently working in private practice with adults and adolescents presenting with various emotional and mental health issues. He has a clinical background as an employed therapist in suicide prevention, suicide bereavement, the treatment of self-harm, adolescent substance misuse, and addiction. He holds a MSc in Mental Health from Trinity College Dublin, a BSc in Counselling & Psychotherapy from Middlesex University London, and a Diploma in Integrative Counselling from IICP college Dublin. His main interests are in suicidology, including suicide bereavement, trauma recovery, and mental health promotion.
18. William Ayot (United Kingdom)- William Ayot is a poet, writer, teacher and ritualist. He teaches and coaches in business schools and organisations. He also leads personal development retreats for men, rites of passage for youth, and designs bespoke rituals for individuals and groups. Writing includes the poetry collections The Inheritance and Email from the Soul) (which won the People’s Book Prize) and Re-enchanting the Forest: Meaningful Ritual in a Secular World - prerecorded (available as recording after 7th Sep)
Title: Songs of Coming Through: Grief & Kindness on the Road of Healing (poetry)
Award winning poet William Ayot reads poems from his thirty-year journey of descent, discovery and homecoming. Drawing on his own experience of complex trauma, exploration and post-traumatic recovery, he reviews some of the highs and lows of ‘soul making’ and wellness.
19. Juliet Grayson (United Kingdom), UKCP Registered Psychosexual Therapist and Pesso - - prerecorded (available as recording after 7th Sep)
Title: Healing Complex Trauma and Child Sexual Abuse using Pesso Boyden
Can we really HEAL trauma, rather than just give clients strategies to COPE with the results of trauma? Juliet Grayson believes, as a therapist, who has worked in the field of trauma for nearly 30 years, and as someone who experienced their own childhood abuse, is a resounding “YES”. Bessel van der Kolk (Author of The Body Keeps the Score) said that the work he did with “Al Pesso is the only thing that really works [for trauma.]”
Trying to describe a whole system of psychotherapy in a short space of time, is a big task. But in this introductory talk I will show some of the basic ideas, and use some film of client work to illustrate certain points, such as the use of group members, enrolled as symbolic figures, to aid a client’s healing. I will show a film of a client who was used, as a baby and child, by a paedophile ring. This left him with crippling anxiety, physical tics, and an alcohol problems. We have worked together for 12 years and he has received approximately 50 structures (client sessions using Pesso Boyden therapy) within a group context. I interviewed him on zoom for this conference, and will show him talking about how peaceful he feels now – the tics have virtually gone (except when he is very tired), and alcohol is no longer a problem.
THE METHOD - In a PBSP structure (client session) we offer a unique pathway to healing and growth by creating a safe and structured environment for individuals. Some traumatised clients report that they felt safe, for the first time in their lives, in their pesso session. Then using members of a group, we can introduce ‘safe’ touch in a way that truly fits the client. PBSP focuses on healing the trauma, integrating the parts that have been split off or abandoned, and healing the basic needs (of place, nurture, protection, support and loving limits). The aim is to help the client to live more fully from their true self, and experience pleasure, satisfaction, meaning and connectedness. Through the integration of cognitive, emotional, and somatic elements clients can find both empowerment and peace in their lives. System of Psychotherapy (PBSP) Boyden Trainer.
Juliet Grayson is a UKCP Registered Psychosexual Therapist, who has been working with trauma for decades. She is also one of the 3 UK trainers of PBSP. Over half of her book is about how to use PBSP with clients. The book is called: Landscapes of the Heart: The working world of a sex and relationship therapist, and can be purchased at www.landscapesoftheheart.co.uk/ Juliet designed an Accredited Modular Training - a Certificate in Working With Couples - for therapists who work one-to-one who would like to work with couples– www.therapyandcounselling.co.uk
20. Dr. Alexander Strashny, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, Tetiana Milovich, clinical psychologist (Ukraine)- prerecorded (available as recording after 7th Sep)
Title: Method of Biosuggestive Therapy for Correction and Treatment of Psychosomatic Disorders
Method of Biosuggestive Therapy (BST) is good for reduction of stress, psychological tension, depression, insomnia, chronic pain, correction and treatment of psychosomatic disorders. The BST method can be used by physicians, psychologists, psychotherapists, specialists in alternative medicine. It can be applied individually, with groups, live or online. Its high efficiency has been confirmed by scientific researches. Nowadays the BST method successfully use around 500 specialists in Ukraine. This method has not yet been presented in Great Britain.
Dr. Alexander Strashny graduated from the Kyiv Medical University. Then studied in Ukrainian Institute of Advanced Medical Studies; Vietnam National Institute of Traditional Oriental Medicine; Tavistok Model of Group Dynamic (San Rafael, USA); International University Maharishi Aurved; Hungarian School of Alternative Medicine. Conducted lectures and master classes in Hungary, Switzerland, Austria, Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan and USA. Now he is the Director of the Institute of Biosuggestive Therapy (Ukraine).
Tetiana Milovich. Clinical psychologist. Master of Psychology “Psychology and Psychotherapy” of “International Academy of Personnel Management” Kiev 2021 Biosuggestive Therapy 2020. Psychological First Aid Johns Hopkins University 2023. Internships: «Psychological assistance in acute cerebral stroke, NHS requirements" at the Regional Stroke Center of the Rivne Regional Clinical Hospital 10.01.22-19.01.2022 Worked at Psychologist at the rehabilitation department of the Volyn Regional Council, Ukraine, Lutsk 2019-2022 Practical psychologist in the neurological department enterprise "Volyn Regional Hospital for War Veterans" Ukraine, Lutsk 2022 Used the METHOD OF BIOSUGGESTIVE THERAPY in work with psychosomatic patients of different profiles. During the covid- 19 pandemic and civilian and military Patients. Now Deputy Chairman of the Institute of Biosuggestive Therapy (Ukraine).
21. Rose Hall (United Kingdom), Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist, Psychodynamic Psychotherapist, Counselor and Solution Focused Therapist (available as recording after 7th Sep)
Title: Supervision of Supervision in Embodied approaches for Complex Trauma
The community of complex trauma, clients and therapists incorporates individuals from a range of experiences, cultures, perspectives, training and conceptual frameworks.
The therapy relationship is a unique phenomenon, designed to provide an enabling space for one of the partners to experience assimilation of their aspirations with their actuality. The fragmentary effects of complex trauma and dissociation, together with the client's reinforced avoidance of feeling states can make the therapy tricky.
The supervisory process has been conceptualised in many ways, but it is, in essence, a parallel space to enhance the perspective of the supervisee and to develop their skill.
However, what is skill in this forum of so many variables? Is the perspective of the supervisor pre-eminent? Supervision of supervision is the perpetual development of learning, perspective and skill.
In preparation for the Institute's scheduled Supervision of Supervision Group this presentation [and the accompanying workshop] will explore the nature and constitution of Supervision of Supervision in Embodied approaches for Complex Trauma.
22. Shabana Baig (United Kingdom), a Clinical Lead for the GMRC Greater Manchester Rape Crisis Counselling Service, Qualified Integrative Therapist and Supervisor with a humanistic /person centred approach.(prerecorded- also available as recording after 7th Sep)
Title: What will People Say?
What will People Say? Is a project that Greater Manchester Rape Crisis (GMRC) ran between Autumn 2019 and Spring 2023. It explores the life stories of 5 South Asian women affected by sexual violence and was funded by the National Heritage Lottery Fund. We want the projects findings and key messages to inform both communities and professionals in order to promote learning, awareness raising, community conversations and better professional practise. While this project worked specifically with South Asian women GMRC knows from experience that sexual violence occurs in all communities, including South Asian communities, irrespective of ethnicity, religion and class. The womens interviews and transcripts will become a valuable collection at the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Centre and Education Trust giving voice to the courageous women survivors who have taken part in this project. Their actual recordings are to be held securely in the archives for 100 years to protect their identities. The stories told in their own words offer unique insights and support the centre’s work to uncover, record and collect marginal lesser known histories.
My name is Shabana Baig, I am the Clinical Lead for the GMRC Greater Manchester Rape Crisis Counselling Service. I have worked for GMRC since 2008. I am a qualified Integrative Therapist and Supervisor with a humanistic /person centred approach. I have worked in the voluntary sector for 30 years managing varied projects and worked with a diverse range of people. I am experienced in working bilingually with female survivors of sexual violence primarily in Urdu and Punjabi in one to one and group settings. I set up and co delivered the South Asian Womens Support Group in Manchester for a number of years. All the survivors who shared their stories were previously clients I worked with one to one and who also attended the support group.
23. Hannah-Valeria Grishko (Israel), LCSW, MBACP, CCTP, BISS/ISST, PTI Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Psychotherapist (NY), Trainer and Supervisor, (prerecorded -available as recording after 7th Sep)
Title: Relational Field in Clinical Work in War Conditions
Joint feelings that a client/supervisee and a therapist/supervisor experience in the process of their encounter can be described as a relational field. Traditionally these relationships and alliances are seen through a lens that differentiates between clinical experiences and interpersonal encounters, much of which depends on the therapeutic paradigm. This presentation will focus on specific relational issues and dynamics, as they emerge when working clinically or in supervision during the war conditions in Ukraine. Issues of human relationship and sharing of a human experience in the context of the professional setting, and how personal reactions and feelings about the war can be worked with in the therapeutic/supervisory relationship will be explored. Special attention will be given to the interplay between personal, human and professional dynamics in the relational field.
Hannah-Valeria Grishko, LCSW, MBACP, CCTP, BISS/ISST, PTI Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Psychotherapist (NY), Trainer and Supervisor, Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, Teaching Member of British and Irish Sandplay Society/International Society for Sandplay Therapy, Grief Certified Psychotherapist (www.grief.com), Approved Supervisor of Play Therapy International
24. Mysharni Mullings-Spirit (United Kingdom), - prerecorded (available as recording after 7th Sep)
Title: Trauma Informed Care and why early intervention matters
Trauma can be defined as any experience that overwhelms the brain and bodies coping mechanisms and internal resources. There have been advancements in the field of Trauma Informed Care and societies understanding of the huge psychological impact trauma can
have on individuals. There are many approaches that we can take to reduce trauma’s long term impact including early intervention . It is also important that survivors can live in a world where they have hope and can also feel psychologically safe .
Mysharni Mullings-Spirit PG Dip Trauma Informed Coach, Trauma Informed Care Practitioner
Mental health Trainer & Facilitator. Mysharni Mullings-Spirit is an impact-driven and solution-focused person who is strongly committed to reducing stigma around mental illness, Mysharni regularly speaks about the importance of a more trauma informed and aware society.
25. Olena Ostrakova (Ukraine), Psychologist, psychologist, consultant and trauma informed therapist, prerecorded (prerecorded - available as recording after 7th Sep)
Title: Incorporating Lifestyle into Safety Scaffolding for Trauma-Informed Therapists
In times of war, both the therapist and the client are plunged into a broader crisis, which serves to heighten the intricate nature of the therapeutic relationship. This scenario can magnify the therapist's vulnerability to vicarious trauma, compounding their own challenges. Fostering a well-rounded and all-encompassing lifestyle emerges as a crucial element within the Safety Scaffolding framework for trauma-focused therapists. Integrating lifestyle considerations into the Safety Scaffolding specifically tailored for therapists operating within crisis contexts becomes an indispensable skill for those well-versed in trauma-informed approaches.
Olena Ostrakova, Masters Psychology, integrative psychologist, consultant and trauma informed therapist (Ukraine), Studied transactional analysis at EATA, Masters Management ((Магістр Менеджменту та Економіки), organisation consultant, graduation, British Council Creative Enterprise Programme 2018.
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This ticket includes: - Access to the Live event on 2nd Sep - 9 months access to on-demand presentations. - 12 hours CPD certificate (around 20 video presentations).
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This ticket includes: - Access to the Live event on 2nd Sep - 9 months access to on-demand presentations. - 12 hours CPD certificate (around 20 video presentations).
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