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In House Workshops &
Group Supervision booking

We specialise in delivering bespoke training courses in-house by tailoring lively, engaging and accessible experiential training content based on agencies’ needs at a venue of your choice. We provide a wide range of learning opportunities from very experienced trainers. With budgets and resources shrinking, the pricing of our in-house training is highly competitive with substantial discount for the Voluntary sector. Most popular topics:
1. Psychological First Aid (PFA) for non mental health professionals
2. Dealing with Vicarious Trauma and Burn Out
3. Working with traumatised children
4. We also deliver a tailored programs on topics that required by agencies.

Many agencies find that group consultations and supervision are a cost-effective way to offer support for the whole team; where a group of professionals have a space to discuss clinical work, development of particular skills, team dynamics and ways of working with an external supervisor facilitating the conversation. It can be a very useful supportive mechanism for any team of professionals, especially if your agency has a mixed team, trained in different models or even professional roles. We are also happy to offer you individual consultations & supervision.
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